Qual'è la libreria design che ognuno vorrebbe in casa propria?

  • Personalmente credo che la libreria design piu interessante sia quella realizzata da Renzo piano per Riva 1920, semplice e geniale allo stesso tempo. Libreria design realizzata in legno massello e multistrato, caratterizzata da mensole distanziate da sottili elementi in acciaio inossidabile. Flessibile sulla base delle esigenze dí arredo vede la possibilità di inserimento di moduli con anta a battente o cassetto/i assemblato/i con incastri a coda di rondine e maniglia ad incasso laterale. Credo anche che sia una delle librerie design piu adattabile ad ogni tipo di ambiente sia classico che moderno.

Il progetto di una libreria design come Tulip, da cosa nasce?

  • Tutte le idee sono frutto di imitazione e visione di cio che ci circonda, ma in primo luogo è la natura ad ispirarci. L'idea del progetto presentato, nasce dalla visione stilizzata di un Tulipano. Linee sinuose come petali caratterizzano le strutture principali della libreria design Tulip. L'idea della rotondità delle forme ricorda il calice di un tulipano con il suo caratteristico colore rosso.

 Con quale tipo di materiale si riesce a progettare e a ideare un oggetto di design?

  • Penso che le resine, il legno e adamantx siano materiali eccezzionali per realizzare le proprie, strampalate, idee con una libertà di espressione pressocche illimitata. Le limitazioni per ogni materiale esistono ma esse fanno si che sia piu divertente e laborioso sfruttarli.
Una libreria design, può essere anche funzionale?
  • Penso che non ci sia cosa piu bella che accompagnare il bello alla funzione. Tutto il design moderno è un mix di funzionalita e bellezza, salvo rari casi. Nelle librerie design di zad italy design ho trovato sempre questo connubio.

Il Made in Italy, è realmente un valore aggiunto nei complementi di arredo design?

  • Il design, inteso come cultura del progetto, è uno dei migliori biglietti da visita che il nostro Paese può mostrare al mondo. Significa saper adattare un prodotto alle necessità e ai gusti di tipi di pubblico diversi: per questo la sua collaborazione con le aziende artigiane è così fondamentale perchè i prodotti Made in Italy possano affermarsi anche all'estero; il legame tra tradizione e innovazione: le competenze dei designer e degli artigiani di oggi sono il frutto di conoscenze tramandate per secoli. Sono sempre proiettate, però, nel mondo contemporaneo, perchè il loro scopo è anche rispondere a bisogni specifici. (Ermete Realacci).

Intervista rilaciata dal Designer Maurizio Poli allo Staff di Zad Italy Design





Librerie Design Personalizzabile | Maurizio Poli Designer



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da 2 anni 6 mesi

Feminized cannabis seeds Old School Skunk 2.0 by LaMota seeds. A small spray bottle working. Island Punch Lineage / Genealogy. I begrudgingly ordered my third plate, almost gagging on my first bite but powering through five before calling it quits. The bartender hauled the wings away in an act of mercy I imagine isn’t often seen at the establishment. In order for a business to be eligible for a PPP loan, it must meet the criteria set out by the SBA. But under the 2018 SBA Policy Notice, banks and credit unions cannot approve loans for businesses engaged in illegal activity under federal, state or local law. The 2018 Notice set out three main categories of MRBs who are currently ineligible for any SBA assistance: I have a buddy who has been growing for the last 5 years and collects kief from all the trim and jars it. He plans on retiring and not growing anymore and living the rest of his life on kief. (hes old) He has half a closet full of kief jars. Shit is nuts.

da 2 anni 6 mesi
da 2 anni 6 mesi

Sunday. E-mail address of your friend * : Its medicinal benefits range from stress and pain relief, to help with paranoia, anxiety, and ADHD. You’ll need to grow the Sherbet strain in a Mediterranean-style, warm and shaded climate which should have daytime temperatures of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This is very simple for indoor growers to maintain, although monitoring humidity levels is vital. Orange sherbet strain is best grown in soil rather than using hydroponics, and it has a flowering period of about eight weeks. If you’re growing outdoors, harvesting will usually fall in late September or early October. You have grown Grandaddy OG together with another variety? Please fill out our Strain VS. Strain direct comparisation form! Key Features:

da 2 anni 6 mesi

But I hope you will. You’ve probably seen me before, as our eyes have crossed. Perhaps you even took a second look at me. I certainly took a second look at you. I am writing you this letter, not because I am not man enough to go up to you and talk, but because this is the first impression I want you to have of me. I want you to know right now how much you turn on this stranger you’ve never met.I saw you once, as we crossed paths in the gym. That’s what people do at the gym, I suppose. They gawk at each other, checking out the competition in some cases, eyeing the beautiful bodies passing...

da 2 anni 6 mesi

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da 2 anni 6 mesi




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This phenomenon is absolutely beautiful; the sight of alabaster, glistening buds erupting with streaks of red calyxes is a sight to behold. But what is at the root cause of such an outcome? [url= Even 1mg more or less than advertised can send unwary consumers flying high into a cerebral La La Land. That’s why the “Golden Rule” of edibles—start low and go slow—came into being. Because of the way edibles are metabolized, those who indulge might have to wait anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours for their desired results to take effect. Once all ingredients are ready, it’s time to make your weed lemonade. Follow the recipe below to mix up your THC lemonade! [url=] Pulsar. Does CBD Help Fight Spring Allergies? Tracing paper is actually a pretty good alternative for smoking papers, if you have the thin, high-quality stuff. Much better than a magazine or a receipt, anyway—but yeah, perhaps not the most common pocket item. [url=]http://nationalfun...

da 2 anni 6 mesi

Quality cannabis is only produced by the female plant – male characteristics indicate the plant was cultivated under stress and the quality of the buds will be substantially lower. Basically, this method involves using a hair straightener to press rosin from a raw marijuana nugget, collecting the rosin off of the parchment paper, adding in a few drops of The Potion Terpene Solution, and heating it up to mix it together. A little tricky if you’ve never done it before, but like we said – the most potent, highest quality, and best tasting of the three different methods. How to Clone Plants (with Pictures) Townsend at Toco Hills are condominium owned. Walk to shopping, restaurants, Starbucks, LA Fitness Gym. You’re better off using organic, pesticide-free marijuana than spending your hard-earned money on something that claims to be a landrace strain. Many cannabis enthusiasts have found themselves wondering at some point whether or not it was a wise decision to smoke stems. Some are too lazy to pick out each and every stem before loading a bowl, others are dankrupt and all they have is a jar of stems to draw from. Let’s get to the meat of the issue and find out if smoking stems is a good idea (hint: it’s not).

da 2 anni 6 mesi

1-2 years management experience in grocery and/or related retail experience, natural foods industry a plus. The Store Manager is responsible for the successful… Locanto is available all throughout the United States. And yes, you can post a free ad from your desktop computer. Cookies. This glass ghost pendant carb cap of Blinky, leader of the ghosts and arch-enemy of Pac-Man, can serve as a nice, subtle nod to those cute but haunted figures from the game. Made by the people at M3boro Glass and available on, there’s also an Inky carb cap available if the dark blue ghost suits your tastes better. Each carb cap fits 10mm domeless nails and would be a welcome addition for your rig. Cannabis plants like temps around 70-80°F (20-26°C) in the flowering stage for best development. Temps over 85°F (30°C) usually makes buds grow parts that are noticeably more airy than the same plant grown under proper temps. Indiana on Friday confirmed a third death from a severe lung illness linked to vaping shortly before officials in Minnesota confirmed a fourth. The patient, who was 65 , had a history of lung disease, but state officials said his acute lung injury was linked to “vaping illicit T.H.C. products.”

da 2 anni 6 mesi

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da 2 anni 6 mesi

The ganja is best consumed at the end of the day without any tasks at hand. Once the smoke enters the body, users will feel the cerebral buzz right away. It’ll skyrocket until it reaches soaring level. Then, a state of euphoria will dominate their emotions. Everything will seem positive and blissful. [url= Gathering by how much noise was coming from the entrance, she wasn't alone. Waves of laughter and 'So, like's came streaming up as they quickly kicked off their shoes and came storming up the stairway. I glanced about the room frantically to find a way out, but there was none. My room was down the hall, and required me to go past the staircase to get to it. I was absolutely screwed. I quickly grabbed my shirt and began to pull it over my head, hoping that I'd be able to hide the horrible crime I had perpetrated. Hemp Seed Oil contains an ideal balance of omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, supporting the balance of hormones, promoting diversity in the gut, keeping inflammation in check, and supporting healthy heart and brain function. With 40% less saturated fat than olive oil, it trumps alternatives with its inclusion of Vitamin E for healthy skin and Chlorophyll for detoxification. There are not many oils that stack up. [url=] Tracing paper is actually a pretty good alternative for smoking papers, if you have the thin, high-quality stuff. Much better than a magazine or a receipt, anyway—but yeah, perhaps not the most common pocket item. Tip #6: Should You Grow Banana Kush Indoors or Outdoors? In April 2019, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed into law legislation that authorized the production of hemp for commercial purposes. The new law replaces the state’s previously authorized hemp pilot program, which had allowed for hemp to be grown by universities and colleges for research purposes. Oklahoma’s Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry anticipates farmers will be able to start growing commercial hemp in 2020. [url=]

da 2 anni 6 mesi

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da 2 anni 6 mesi

Flavor. [url= I begrudgingly ordered my third plate, almost gagging on my first bite but powering through five before calling it quits. The bartender hauled the wings away in an act of mercy I imagine isn’t often seen at the establishment. Be aware that proper hydroponics gardens require a significant amount of equipment. You can, of course, choose a simple system to minimize what you need, but for the best results, it is worth investing in measuring instruments. Remember, useful hydroponics growing involves constant monitoring of nutrients so you can quickly correct imbalances. As a result, you should strongly consider investing in a pH and PPM meter. [url=] Northern Lights is one of the most famous indicas within the marijuana community, but helping mood disorders is one of its often forgotten specialties. Si tu cocina dispone de extractor, enciéndelo, y asegúrate de que el área esté bien ventilada. Abre todas las ventanas y puertas. Más vale prevenir. Buy Hempods CBD Juul Pods Flavors Available: Blueberry, Lemon Lime, Mango Milligrams Per Pod: 300 mg. [url=][/url]

da 2 anni 6 mesi

New to growing cannabis? Post Comments / Review Below. The company claims that the infrared technology increases blood circulation in your hands, relieving arthritic pain. The gloves are washing machine safe, making care easy. For example, if you’re using CFLs and are dealing with too much heat, then LEDs are could be a great choice for you. This is because LEDs are much more efficient than CFLs and put out less heat for the same amount of electricity. The only possible downside is you need to have extra height for LEDs because an LED panel needs to be kept at least 16-18” above the tops of your plants for the best results, while CFLs can be kept just inches away. Learn more about CFLs vs LEDs. In "Good Times with Weapons", his appearance changes, such as becoming a muscular adult, his blonde hair becomes a blonde Mohawk, and boots change to feet wrapped in bandages, mimicking Muay Thai fighters who wear on bandages their feet. Professor Chaos mentions that his green cape is weaved with titanium. His eyes show no iris or pupils, like those of various anime characters in the episode, such as Bullrog's (Cartman) or Craig's. Finally, you might like to check out the growing collection of curated slang words for different topics over at Slangpedia.

da 2 anni 6 mesi

Wednesday 09:00am - 10:00pm Thursday 09:00am - 10:00pm Friday 09:00am - 10:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 09:00pm Sunday 11:00am - 07:00pm Monday 09:00am - 10:00pm Tuesday 09:00am - 10:00pm. About Crosland Southeast. "Love the Nutrishop located near me! We definitely needed them in the area, the girls in the store are always very helpful and nice. They will let you try things out to see if you like the flavor. The InBody machine is way cool. I am up 4% lean muscle and down 3% body fat. I will definitely be a customer for life there!" This article is from the archive of our partner . Total Cost: $9,650. Blue Crack reviews.

da 2 anni 6 mesi

My wife and daughter had just left to meet her sister and children for a girls weekend at the beach. I had looked forward to this weekend for a while making sure I left this weekend open for doing something I enjoy but don’t get to do enough of. Over the past couple years I have found myself enjoying the company of men just as much as I do women but my busy life only allows me play with my new found partners when I can sneak a quickie in when the wife works late or find an excuse to stay out late on weekends. Shortly after getting brave enough to meet strangers in hopes of getting lucky I had...

da 2 anni 6 mesi

Even better, One Farm boasts one of the few USDA certified-organic products out there. Don’t believe us? You can see the results for yourself with the company’s publicly-available CBD lab testing results. [url=][/url] Blackout Kush Reviews. India News | Press Trust of India | Friday April 5, 2019. [url=]http://ko... Cost : $16.99 for 60 count; $34.99 for 180 count. Gonadal distribution (left:right) muppet maniac. [url=]https://www.gtc...

da 2 anni 6 mesi

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da 2 anni 6 mesi

3.) Watch plants closely for signs of too much yellowing. [url=] Пожаловаться. Interactions ? [url= Videos. Once you light it up, it has a delicate fresh citrussy aroma and the flavour encompasses hints of pine, which is both complex and appealing. As mentioned, the high is old school, delivering a gentle sativa buzz that is likely to leave you in a fit of the giggles, progressing nicely into a relaxing stone. This weed strain is perfect for sitting and watching the world go by. Medically, it is used to treat people with depression or anxiety. There is a semi-plausible back story behind blue strawberries. [url=]https://trufficulteurscatala...

da 2 anni 6 mesi




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da 2 anni 6 mesi

Доброго дня!!!

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Желаю удачи!

da 2 anni 6 mesi

"You’re killing me Lilly." I looked down at myself and blushed, "Sorry, my aunt." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the bed, pulling the covers back over me, "Yes, I'm well aware of your aunt’s motives." I smiled and snuggled in noticing the purposeful distance between Damien and I. I sighed and lifted my head on my arm to look at him, "You’re making the Lycan sleep outside?" He snorted, "No, they prefer it out there. You seemed to be having a good time though." I nodded, "Yeah, they are really funny about certain things." "For example?" I ignored the...

da 2 anni 6 mesi




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da 2 anni 6 mesi

My torso leaning against his bare skin, there was a warmth radiating all through my body and I wasn’t sure whether that was a physical warmth or an emotional warmth. It felt vulnerable though, way too vulnerable. So I escaped his embrace and sat up straight, shaking my head. ‘Are you going to bottle feed me?’ I asked, part of me hoping he’d say yes, part of me was curious and yearning for that warmth I felt just now, but another part of me was confused, grasping at straws trying to understand. ‘What are we doing, daddy?’ It must have been the confusion that made me call him daddy again, the...

da 2 anni 6 mesi

breed by Sensi Seeds. Is a pot containing orifices so that the roots of the plants do not spiral and, in turn, when they protrude through the holes, the air will prune the roots naturally. This natural pruning causes the root system to develop permanently, which has a direct impact on the plants, accelerating their growth and giving them a denser and more compact structure. They are ideal to avoid that our plant acquires a too high bearing, as well as for mother plants. For visitors who find themselves South of the city in the business district, the place to head is L’Amuse at Olympiaplein. This cheese boutique once again stocks a variety of European cheeses but there are no shortage of Dutch options along with hugely informative staff who will guide you through the artisanal offering. Find Harle-Tsu nearby. Contact Us. As its name implies, Permafrost has a large number of trichomes coating its buds’ surfaces. As you can imagine, this means that Permafrost packs quite a potent punch. Lab tests of Permafrost samples have recorded THC levels as high as 23%.

da 2 anni 6 mesi


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